
CoolIT’s 4000W Coldplate Establishes Single-Phase Direct Liquid Cooling Technology Leadership

Calgary, AB, March 13, 2025CoolIT Systems (CoolIT), the world’s leader in liquid cooling for AI and high performance computing, is pleased to announce a 4000W-ready single-phase direct liquid cooling (DLC) coldplate – more than doubling the previously accepted limits of single-phase direct liquid cooling.

“CoolIT continues to lead the industry in performance.  We are thrilled to show silicon leaders that single-phase DLC will continue to be a key enabling technology with demonstrated capability for up to 4000W processors,” said Kamal Mostafavi, VP of Engineering.  “Single-phase direct liquid cooling – known for being the most mature, reliable and scalable liquid cooling technology – is also more than capable of cooling ultra-high watt microprocessors for the foreseeable future.”

Figure 1: CoolIT 4000W coldplate with Split-Flow technology

Single-phase DLC works by removing heat from semiconductors with water or a water-glycol mixture running through coldplates attached to the chips. It is the most widely deployed liquid cooling technology in the market today1 and the de facto liquid cooling standard for AI processors exceeding 1000W TDP2.

In its tests, CoolIT showed its coldplate capturing 97%+ of heat from a 4000W thermal test vehicle (TTV) with a flow rate of 6 litres per minute (LPM). This is equivalent to 1.5 LPM per kW, the semiconductor industry’s recommended flow rate for high-wattage chips. Tests at a lower flow rate also showed excellent results.   

CoolIT’s 4000W coldplates also achieve an outstanding ultra-low thermal resistance of Tr<0.009 C/W while limiting the full flow loop pressure drop (including all fittings and QDs) to just 8 PSI.  

Used for multiple server generations by most of the world’s major server manufacturers, CoolIT’s coldplates with Split-FlowTM technology delivers 30% better thermal and flow performance than standard coldplates with the added ability to provide targeted cooling to hot spots.

The 4000W test results prove that CoolIT’s DLC technology is well-positioned to cool ultra-high-wattage semiconductors well into the future. For more information, download the technical brief below.

4000W Coldplate
Technical Brief

Learn more about CoolIT’s 4000W-ready single-phase direct liquid cooling (DLC) coldplate by downloading our detailed tech brief. Explore the 4000W test results proving CoolIT’s DLC technology is well-positioned to cool ultra-high-wattage semiconductors well into the future.

Download Technical Brief

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